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This is a red spider lily botanical floral tattoo done by female tattoo artist Amanda Marie witchery in her private tattoo studio ace of wands tattoo in central new York
Red Spider Lily Tattoo

🌿Red Spider Lily🌿The Death Flower🌿Plant Spirit Tattoo🌿

🌿Created at the Boston Tattoo Convention🌿

🌿Autumn Blooming Poisonous Flower🌿Planted to Protect Buried Bodies of the Recently Deceased from Animal Scavengers🌿Poisonous Bulbs🌿Flowers Red as Blood🌿Swaying in the Wind Whipping around Grave Stones🌿Ghost Flower🌿the Flowers Die and Leaves Emerge🌿Symbol of Death, Rebirth and Guide to Spirits Towards Reincarnation🌿